It's been more than a year. It's about time I write something. There have been so many lessons, but I feel like there just hasn't been time to write. Not an excuse. Just a thought, and perhaps a lesson in itself.
When I last wrote more than a year ago, I mentioned all of the changes that were going on. Busy changes. Exciting changes. And how important it is not to worry about change.
Well, lots of change has happened. And it was all good. Instead of worrying about the "busyness" that we had to work through, we trusted in the process, and it has turned out better than we ever could have imagined. If we had sat around worrying about it, we probably never would have gotten off our backsides to make it happen. Of course, there's still more to come, and there are still some "headaches" to deal with along the way, but we know that will all turn out well, too.
Meanwhile, I recently ran into someone I know who has been going through a difficult transition in his life. Of course, he's worried about the outcome, and the long-term effect it might have on his life going forward. I just let him talk. The entire time, I kept hearing, "Trust in the process. Just trust in the process."
Of course, that became my advice to him. He has experts helping him who understand the process, and what reasonable outcomes can be. They have the advantage of not being emotionally involved in the situation, so they can more clearly see things that the people going through it cannot. It's so easy to get caught up in the "what-ifs" and maybe some "what-if-nots" that sometimes come with them. But all that does is distract us from what is going on right now. He'll be fine. It will be different, but it will be fine.
Another day, I ran into other friends who are worried about the outcome of this year's elections. I told them, quite frankly, that nothing had happened yet, and that I would reserve my worrying (if any) for when (if ever) the time comes when there is something concrete to worry about. They said, "Maybe we should do that, too!" Good choice!
The lesson here is that we spend so much time letting our past dictate what we expect the future to be. And then we let the possibilities of the future dictate what our present moment should be, when all we have is our present moment right here and now, ready to be lived. We can't predict the future. And our worries and fears won't determine or change what the future might be. The only thing that we can influence is what is happening right now. And that is what becomes our future.
Stop. Take a breath. Turn off the "news." Stop churning through endless possibilities. Instead, think about where you are right now, and what you are capable of, and what you are willing to do to make this present moment the best it can be for you and the people you care about. And let that be your inspiration for whatever comes next. And make others do the same in their own way. No expectations. No judgments. Just constructive action.
The future will be all right. It might not be what you want it to be, or what you expect it to be, but it will be. Just like right now.
And it will present new lessons and blessings that will make this world a better place. Trust in the process - you've got this!
Many blessings...